6 octobre 2021

Life Management Skills: Leading a Healthy and Constructive Lifestyle

Given the different possibilities offered by the Dual Diploma Academica program, choosing an elective can be difficult. Even more so when your interest is varied! To help you choose, here is a presentation of the “Life Management Skills” Elective.

The electives for the High School Diploma allow students to explore their own areas of interest.

Do I need to have any pre-knowledge to take this course? No, at all! The Life Management Skills elective is open to everyone.

Be ready to take the time and go the extra step to learn new concepts through this elective!

How is the Life Management Skills program structured?

The purpose of this elective is to prepare you in making sound decisions and taking positive actions towards planning a successful future.

During the first semester, you will learn about :

-life planning,setting goals, how to manage time and improve study habits, personality assessment and career exploration for your future, as well as leadership and relationship through the Digital Age.

During the second semester, you will learn about peer pressure and decision-making skills, personal wellness and healthy lifestyle choices, how to manage stress and mental health, and lastly global and community engagement.

Of course, this is just an overview of the many topics you will see in this course!

By the end of your semesters, you will gain knowledge about leading a healthy and successful lifestyle. This course would allow you to develop a thorough understanding of personal wellness skills.

In addition to the lessons offered on the course platform, the content-based live sessions (virtual thematic classes in English and live) are an opportunity to reflect on specific topics in a group.

What are the themes covered during the virtual classes?

The content-based live sessions are a time to share your interests, thoughts and work with other students. During those virtual classes, classmates exchange their points of view and debate on many topics. The purpose is to create interactions between them and lead them toward a healthy and successful lifestyle.

This year, the students were able to learn about the different personality types and what they indicate about our behaviors and relationships, procrastination and time management, how to motivate yourself to stay in a good physical shape, stress management and how to live in a more ecological way.

Thinking of choosing Life Management Skills?

The life management skills elective gives you the key to building a healthy lifestyle. This course is very complete in many aspects and pushes you to work on yourselves outside of the classroom.

You will learn about time management strategy for homework, but also after high school, as well as the basics of personal finance and how to budget money, and explore career pathways for your future.

The Life Management Skills elective also addresses mental health and stress management, to help you understand the causes, symptoms, and treatments of mental illness, as well as how to develop positive coping mechanisms for stress.

What to take into consideration when choosing this elective

The Life Management Skills Elective is one of the favorite among our students! Through this elective you will be prepared to make sound decisions and take positive actions toward planning a successful future.

Through this course, you will learn new concepts and theories. You should be prepared to take the time to deepen your knowledge on those subject in order to have a better understanding of the elective content. Organization is key to succeed in this elective, and manage both the assignments and the course content.

A word from Lisa Baber, Global Teacher of the Dual Diploma Program at Academica International Studies

“The Life Management Skills course is one that I would recommend to all students. It is full of so much information that you can use right away in your life and continue to use as you grow up. The skills presented in this course cover everything from fitness and nutrition to volunteering in your community and everything in between. There is so much to take away from this course and you truly learn a lot about yourself. 

This course is applicable in many areas of life. You probably use many of these skills already (or will throughout life). For example, you will discover your learning style. This information will tell you how you learn best. You can use these results when completing school work or even studying for exams. Another example would be setting goals. It’s important to set goals throughout our lives so we have something to work toward. These can be short term, mid-term, or long term goals but the true skill is creating goals that are specific and achievable for you. You will learn the format for creating these types of goals in the Life Management Skills course. 

To be successful in the Life Management Skills course, it is important that you log in each week to complete your course work. Be sure to read the lessons entirely and complete the assignments using the rubrics presented. Many of the assignments will teach you a lot about yourself. Take the time to reflect on what you are learning.”

Testimony of Alexis Gouret:

“I appreciated this subject because it brought me a reflection on the understanding of the human being. However, it took me some time to understand the concepts which were, for some of them, abstract (I still remember Maslow’s pyramid which took me a lot of time to understand especially since it was one of the first chapters of the year). Indeed, it would have been useful for me to have more time to understand the concepts, but the deadlines for the homework did not allow me to deepen these concepts as I would have liked.”

Testimony of Guillaume Jourdain:

“It is a subject that allows a different point of view on the issues that are often not studied at all in French high school.

It also allows an open mind on the potential future obstacles that we could encounter as adults.”

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